
Tuesday, January 14, 2020

[GUIDE]: How to install Enigma2 on Tiviar Mini HD+

Tiviar Mini HD+ is a TV Box that was released in the market in 2018 that has the same specifications just like Formuler F3, but it comes with a diferent OS, the Fortis OS, it´s a very robust and feature rich OS, but lacks the support for Softcams, and for those that have bought this TV Box with Fortis OS, we have a easy guide how to install Enigma2 on it.

Fortis OS

If you fail to comply with this instructions or turn off the power during the process, you risk bricking the receiver and the warranty in be void and we dont have ANY responsibility if it damages your equipment!

Step-by-step installation guide for Enigma2 on a Tiviar mini HD receiver:

To install Enigma2 you will need:

To install Enigma2 we need to change the bootloader and first of all, we need to write down the receiver’s MAC address, (go to Network settings) and write down your MAC (00: 00: de: ad: be: ef), after the firmware we will restore it with the new bootloader, that why we must save it!

We also need a null COM-COM modem cable or a USB-COM adapter, the main thing is for it to see your receiver.

1) We connect the cable to the receiver, turn OFF the receiver and turn ON the bootloader change procedure

1.1) Run Putty, and put the configuration as in the picture below, change only the speed to 115200, name the connection to your liking, for example Tiviar and click Save.

2) We need a USB flash drive, format it in FAT32 and copy the tiviarmin-cfe.bin bootloader to the root of the USB flash drive.

3) Insert the USB flash drive into the receiver (in the USB door in the back).

4) In Putty click the Open, and Press ASAP CTRL-C (both keys at once), turn on the receiver, in Putty you will see the boot log, wait for CFE> and release the keys.

5) Copy the code below, paste it into the Putty window, press Enter and wait for the bootloader firmware to finish.

Code: flash -noheader usbdisk0:tiviarmin-cfe.bin flash0.boot

6) Flash our MAC adress, copy the code (enter your MAC!), Paste it into the Putty window and press Enter.

Code: macprog2 00-00-de-ad-be-ef

7) We write in Putty (reboot) and receiver will turn off.

So we changed the bootloader and prepared the receiver to install Enigma2

Install a new image from OpenATV:

1) Download the latest image from OpenATV.

2) Unpack and transfer to a USB flash drive, it should look like on the screen, the tiviarmin folder contains 4 files, the "noforce" file needs to be renamed to "force"

3) Insert the USB flash drive into the receiver from the back and turn it ON, the display will show "FLSH" and the red LED, wait until the message appears "Boot " with the green LED.

4) Now turn off the receiver, be sure to remove the USB flash!
5) Now turn on the receiver, (you will see some numbers) and the receiver is ready to be used.

Once again, we strongly recommend that you think carefully Before performing this operation, you will need attention and a good knowledge of the computer, or entrust this matter to the person associated with such work in order to eliminate the risk of getting a brick.

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